Church Picnic, this Sunday, Sept 29th after service with Brad Lewis. Please bring two sides! Church is providing the meat.

Announcements / Mark your Calendars
If you are interested in processing Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes (Charlotte, NC), please contact Pat Farmer prior to October 3rd.
- Sign up now to go to Charlotte to help with Shoeboxes (week after Thanksgiving)
- Veterans Day slide show. Amanda will have sign up sheets in the pews, and you can also email photos and info to
- Bible study led by Steve Gary on Monday mornings from 10 to 11 am
- Church picnic Sept 29th (Brad Lewis will be our guest speaker that day) Please bring two side dishes, the church will provide the meat.
- Case Keatley and his band will be leading music on Oct 13th
Interested in serving?
- Prayer blankets needed. We need volunteers to make more
- Please share your God-given talents and volunteer to serve in our Church Ministries. Serving opportunities are listed in handout (copies in Church foyer).
Praises For…
- Terry McCann, and dog, Mac, for joining us to lead worship this past service
- Youth Service!! What a great job they all did.
- Youth fund raising lunch this past Sunday. Raising $769.00 to help fund youth programs/trips, Thank you Cora and crew/class!!
- Our Monday morning Bible study
- Mike Thompson giving testimony at men’s breakfast
- young people with growing faith
- students praying in school
Prayer Requests For…
- Gail Pitzer, health recovery
- Bud Robertson who is back home, but continuing to recover from pneumonia
- Nelson Vest – Lewis Gale with Covid, UTI, and heart issue
- Prayers for the friends and families of Evelyn Dorsa, Jean Woodyard, and Chad Waldron for their loss
- Those with health issues and their Families – Gail Pitzer, Irene Broadwell, Ernie Miller, Brenda Johnston, Sadie Blankenship, Becky and Sam Thomas, Jean Robertson
- Young families raising children, also single moms and dads.
- Kathy Centano (bone cancer)
- Guidance for Shady Grove as we seek God’s direction with improvements to our building
- Marjorie’s grandson, Kaleb, and his friends as they recover from a car accident
- Shady Grove’s ministry toward youth as we move forward
- Arneys’ friend, Melanie Jordan, lost everything in house fire, including beloved pets
- Justin’s father, lab work, scans
- Jaime Atkins, fell, broke ankle, on ventilator
- Prayers for the lost
- travel mercies
- Our country, our leaders, our pastor
- Karen, friend of Sheri
- Susan B. loss of her dad and healing for her mom
- Unspoken
Speakers for 2024
- Sept 29 – Brad Lewis (followed by church picnic)
- Oct 6th – Justin Jones
- Oct 20th – Shahn Wilburn
- Nov 10th – Steve Gary
- Dec 1st – Justin Jones