Let’s help our neighbor.
Five Volunteers needed to help Taliaferro Family move this Saturday, June 1. We will meet around 9:30am at 3874 Black hollow Rd. (Dublin) The turn for Black Hollow is at The River of Life church. The location is about three to four miles down. Please let Mac Miller know as soon as possible if you can help. Call or text Mac 540-525-1777
From Mike Talbert:
“Surgery went well, had two pain blocks inserted so my leg is still numb from my knee down, but that should wear off sometime this morning. (May 29th) Hopefully the pain won’t be too bad, but for now I’m doing fine… just keeping it elevated. Thanks to everyone who was praying for me.”
- Volunteers needed to help Taliaferro Family move Saturday, June 1. Let Mac Miller know if available to help.
- Vacation Bible School – June 17-21. Please register on-line or complete form located in Church foyer so preparation for final headcount may be made.
- Sight and Sound Trip to Lancaster, PA to attend “Daniel” play – July 9. Sign-up sheet in Church foyer.
- Camp Dickenson – July 19-21.
- Sight and Sound play, “Noah” will be performed next summer. Let Patti Price know if interested.
- Second Annual FCA Outdoors Faith & Follow through Clay Shoot, Kairos Sporting Clays on the Mountain Course – June 29, 9am
Please join us this Sunday as Justin Jones will be speaking at our 11am service
Continue to pray for many of us in our community who are still without power and be thankful for the many men and women who are working around the clock to restore it for us. The latest update we received from AEP has been moved to 11pm tonight (5/29) for restoring power.
Mark your Calendars
1) Vacation Bible school June 17th – 21st (last lesson will be shared on the 23rd during children’s church) (Register now)
2) Sight and Sound trip to Lancaster PA to see the play Daniel; Tuesday, July 9 (signup sheet)
3) Camp Dickenson, Family camping for all church, July 19th – 21st
See attachments, Church calendar and ministry opportunities
- Bible study led by Steve Gary on Monday mornings from 10 to 11 am
- Stitch and Share Shady Grove Church and the White Gate Ruritan Club are co-sponsoring a bi-monthly ladies’ (of all ages) group to explore stitching and build friendships. Meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at Shady Grove Church from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm; this follows the Bible Study class. Meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month at the White Gate Community Center from 7 – 8 pm. Come learn if you need to; if you are already proficient at knitting or any other stitching skill, bring your project and join us for a friendly time. Contact Suzy Bane if you have questions: 540-599-7631 or suzybane@comcast.net
- We need your help: If you use the play equipment, please make sure all items are put away correctly before leaving area. This will also expedite mowing as we have entered the mowing season.
Interested in serving?
- Please share your God-given talents and volunteer to serve in our Church Ministries. Serving opportunities are listed in handout from Sunday (copies in Church foyer).
You may write Ben Rorrer at the following address:
Rorrer, Benjamin
CMR 422 Box693
Praises For………
-Patti, Colt, Case, and Ty Price joining Shady Grove Church!
-Donnie Albert’s heart surgery went well. Please continue to pray.
-David Webb’s heart surgery went well. Please continue to pray.
-the wedding of Zac and Jennie Jungers
-Teresa Miller’s gift of peace to Sandy Rorrer.
Prayer Requests For……….
- Families of Service Members who passed.
- Brenda Johnston and her immediate and extended family.
- Mike Talbert – broken ankle, surgery Tuesday, May 28, pray for continued healing
- Marie Martin – heart.
- Sue Thompson – fractured ankle.
- Francis Parcell – health.
- Evelyn Dorsa – health.
- Betty Parcell and Family – Betty’s health and passing of her son-in-law.
- James Ward – health.
- Vacation Bible School – preparation, teachers, and attendees.
- Families of Missionaries murdered in Haiti.
- Families raising young children.
- Employees who lost jobs at Lime Plant and their families.
- Unspoken.
Speakers for 2024
- June 2nd – Justin Jones
- July 28th – Shahn Wilburn
- Aug 18th – Steve Gary
- Sept 29 – Shahn Wilburn
- Oct 6th – Justin Jones
- Nov 10th – Steve Gary
- Dec 1st – Justin Jones