June 30, 2024 Prayer Requests and Announcements

Announcements / Mark your Calendars

  1. Sheffy Camp Friday night, July 5th
  2. Sight and Sound trip to Lancaster PA to see the play Daniel; Tuesday, July 9  (signup sheet)
  3. Camp Dickenson, Family camping for all church,  July 19th – 21st (See details below)
  4. Church Olympics: August 4th (See details below)
  5. Bible study led by Steve Gary on Monday mornings from 10 to 11 am (no study on the 8th)
  6. Stitch and Share  Shady Grove Church and the White Gate Ruritan Club are co-sponsoring a bi-monthly ladies’ (of all ages) group to explore stitching and build friendships. Meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at Shady Grove Church from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm; this follows the Bible Study class.  Meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month at the White Gate Community Center from 7 – 8 pm. Come learn if you need to; if you are already proficient at knitting or any other stitching skill, bring your project and join us for a friendly time. Contact Suzy Bane if you have questions: 540-599-7631 or suzybane@comcast.net
  7. We need your help: If you use the play equipment, please make sure all items are put away correctly before leaving area.  This will also expedite mowing as we have entered the mowing season.

Interested in serving?

  • Please share your God-given talents and volunteer to serve in our Church Ministries. Serving opportunities are listed in handout from Sunday (copies in Church foyer).

You may write Ben Rorrer at the following address:

Rorrer, Benjamin              
CMR 422 Box693

Praises For…

  • FCA is thankful for support
  • Rain
  • Millers’ safe travel
  • Millers’ imminent move into home
  • Poplar Hill Fire Dept. watching over controlled burns at the Jungers’s property
  • God is always with us

Prayer Requests For…

  • Donnie Albert back in ICU in Roanoke
  • Comfort and peace for the family and friends of Teegan’s friend and the friend’s mother who died in a car accident. Prayers for the younger brother who was injured
  • Teegan’s friend’s grandfather; bee stings, Rick Longworth
  • Comfort for the friends and family of Dulane Repass who passed away
  • Jean Robertson, health
  • Barbara McGuire’s brother, David
  • Jake and Susanna Bowden for safe return from mission trip to Alaska
  • Those caring for children and for their elderly parents
  • Gail Pitzer, health
  • Ernie Miller, health

Speakers for 2024

  • July 28th – Shahn Wilburn
  • Aug 18th – Steve Gary
  • Sept 29 – Shahn Wilburn
  • Oct 6th – Justin Jones
  • Nov 10th – Steve Gary
  • Dec 1st – Justin Jones

Weekend Family Retreat at Camp Dickenson

July 19 – 21st

Arrive: Friday evening (after supper on your own) S’mores that evening during nightly devotion.
Depart: Sunday late morning after Service

Meals provided by our gifted ladies at Shady Grove in the lodge 

  • Stay in the air conditioned lodge or one of the cabins.  All equipped with full bathrooms.  If you can’t stay the whole weekend, plan to spend at least Saturday with us!
  • Devotions and character portrayals throughout the weekend by Brad Lewis, Charles Henderson, Mac Miller, and Patti Price
  • Talent/Comedy/Family Skit Show Saturday night
  • Enjoy time in the pool, by the vespers area at the River, walking on the property, in the gymnasium, or simply relaxing in the rocking chairs overlooking the New River and beautiful property.

2024 Shady Grove Olympics with Summertime Snacks

August 4th at 6:00 PM

“Olympic Activities” for ALL ages!
This will be an evening guaranteed to have lots of laughs. So bring your competitive side and your sense of humor.

Bring your favorite summertime snack (or Olympic themed treat) to share with everyone throughout the evening.