Announcements / Mark your Calendars
- Sight and Sound trip to Lancaster PA to see the play Daniel; Tuesday, July 9 (signup sheet)
- Camp Dickenson, Family camping for all church, July 19th – 21st
- Church Olympics: August 4th
- Bible study led by Steve Gary on Monday mornings from 10 to 11 am
- Stitch and Share Shady Grove Church and the White Gate Ruritan Club are co-sponsoring a bi-monthly ladies’ (of all ages) group to explore stitching and build friendships. Meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at Shady Grove Church from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm; this follows the Bible Study class. Meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month at the White Gate Community Center from 7 – 8 pm. Come learn if you need to; if you are already proficient at knitting or any other stitching skill, bring your project and join us for a friendly time. Contact Suzy Bane if you have questions: 540-599-7631 or
- We need your help: If you use the play equipment, please make sure all items are put away correctly before leaving area. This will also expedite mowing as we have entered the mowing season.
Interested in serving?
- Please share your God-given talents and volunteer to serve in our Church Ministries. Serving opportunities are listed in handout from Sunday (copies in Church foyer).
You may write Ben Rorrer at the following address:
Rorrer, Benjamin
CMR 422 Box693
Praises For…
- Teresa and Steve Gary’s 29 th Wedding Anniversary.
- Gail Pitzer at Church today.
- Jennifer Richardson visiting Church today.
- Pat Farmer’s test results ok.
- Men’s Prayer Breakfast.
Prayer Requests For…
- Those with post-surgery recovery or health issues, and their Families – Donnie Albert, Gene Johnson, Trina Wheeler, Becky and Sam Thomas, Gail Pitzer, Roy and Vicky Jones’ neighbor’s son, Kenny, William Vanover, Dylan Fox, Ernie Miller, Brenda Johnston, Linda Flinchum, Connie Kersey, Danny Bogel, Dee Dee O’Brien, Jean Robertson, and Jean’s Friend.
- Patti, Chase, Case, and Ty Price – fun and safety on their white water rafting trip.
- VBS workers and children.
- Rain
- Unspoken.
Speakers for 2024
- July 28th – Shahn Wilburn
- Aug 18th – Steve Gary
- Sept 29 – Shahn Wilburn
- Oct 6th – Justin Jones
- Nov 10th – Steve Gary
- Dec 1st – Justin Jones