Coming up
Church clean up day – This Saturday, April 27th 9am to noon
Mother’s Day Floating Spa Day, Saturday, May 11 (details below)
Mark your calendars 1) Vacation Bible school June 17th – 21st and Sunday June 23rd
2) Sight and Sound trip to Lancaster PA to see the play Daniel; Tuesday, July 9 (signup sheet)
3) Camp Dickenson, Family camping for all church, July 19th – 21st
See attachments, Church calendar and ministry opportunities
- Bible study led by Steve Gary on Monday mornings from 10 to 11 am
- Stitch and Share Shady Grove Church and the White Gate Ruritan Club are co-sponsoring a bi-monthly ladies’ (of all ages) group to explore stitching and build friendships. Meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at Shady Grove Church from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm; this follows the Bible Study class. Meetings on 4/22, etc. Meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month at the White Gate Community Center from 7 – 8 pm. Meetings on 4/18, etc. Come learn if you need to; if you are already proficient at knitting or any other stitching skill, bring your project and join us for a friendly time. Contact Suzy Bane if you have questions: 540-599-7631 or
- Deepening our roots with reading and discussion of biblical topics. Mac & Teresa hope to be in their new home late June or early July. One project that they would like to open up to the community is a gathering at their new home over a simple meal to discuss a book (chapter or two). Gauging interest at this point…let Mac or Teresa know you might be interested. This would not be an ongoing commitment.
- Come Relax, Rejuvenate, and Fellowship at a Mother’s Day Floating Spa Day For the Women of Shady Grove Church Saturday, May 11, 2024 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm We will be having Refreshments, 15 Minute chair massages, DIY Face mask, DIY Body Scrub Making, and more.
RSVP to Cora Elliott at (540)-921-7271 by May 5thInterested in serving?
- Please share your God-given talents and volunteer to serve in our Church Ministries. Serving opportunities are listed in handout from Sunday (copies in Church foyer).
- You may write Ben Rorrer at the following address:
- Rorrer, Benjamin
CMR 422 Box693
Men’s Community Prayer Breakfast – Saturday, May 11, 8-9 AM (This is a change from usual schedule.)
Church Cleanup Day – Saturday, April 27, 9am.
Celebration of Life, Sharron Reed – Saturday, May 4.
Celebration of Life, Jo Coker – May 14, 7pm, at Seagle Funeral Home.
Vacation Bible School – June 17-21.
Sight and Sound Trip to Lancaster, PA to attend “Daniel” play – July 9. Sign-up sheet in Church foyer. Camp Dickenson-July 19-21
Praises For……… Mark’s mom, Nancy
Prayer Requests For……….
Bud Robertson and family as they grieve the loss of his sister
Gail Pitzer – recovery from surgeryBrenda and Russ Johnston and family
Taliaferros as they seek a home…promising lead
Allergy season…prayers for Derek
Church board as they plan for church future
Sheri…prayers for Macy McClaugherty leadership
Susan…travel safety
Justin’s friend at work
Trina Wheeler’s boss’s travel safety
Brenda Orey and Family as they grieve
Speakers for 2024
May 12th – Steve Gary
June 2nd – Justin Jones
July 28th – Shahn Wilburn
Aug 18th – Steve Gary
Sept 29 – Shahn Wilburn
Oct 6th – Justin Jones
Nov 10th – Steve Gary
Dec 1st – Justin Jones