Announcements / Mark your Calendars
Click and “like” our Shady Grove Facebook page to learn more about our events
- Please see below opportunities to serve in 2025
- FCA Outdoors, January 21st 6:30pm
- Men’s community breakfast, Saturday, Jan 18th 8am-9am
- Consider scheduling your time to join us to to watch Noah @ Sight and Sound July 22nd
Interested in serving?
- Please share your God-given talents and volunteer to serve in our Church Ministries. Serving opportunities are listed below. NOTE.. there may be many areas in which you would like to participate that are not listed. Please let Mac Miller know of any ideas you may have.
- Ministry Opportunities – the following are from 2024, so please reaffirm all positions or let me know if you can not serve again in those areas. Feel free to add your name to areas that you think you could help with.
- Quarterly potluck dinners (helping with organization)
- Men’s breakfast (helping with cooking and program) Mark Arney, Doak Bane, Dave Jungers, Mac Miller
- Women’s events (organization of events) Susan Arney
- Communion (setup/take down) Cindy McGuire and Cora Elliott
- Media posting and organization (facebook, webpage) Susan Arney, Karen Fontaine
- Baby Showers and wedding Showers (organization) Barbara McGuire
- Veterans Day program Amanda Havens
- Sunshine ministry (writing and mailing cards) Brenda Orey, Barbara McGuire
- Game nights and movie nights (organization) Patti Price
- Sight and Sound/Church swim night (organization) Patti Price
- Decorating church (Christmas and other seasons) Brenda Orey, Liz Miller
- Mitten tree Sandy Rorrer and Tegan Havens
- Christmas program Mac Miller, Aschlimans
- Christmas party after program Sheri Jones
- Christmas treat bags/handouts Justin Jones
- Christmas card exchange Brenda Orey, Randy and Barbara McGuire
- Poinsettia honor and memorial Pat Farmer
- Christmas caroling/soup (organization) Patti Price
- Monday Bible studies Steve Gary, Teresa Gary
- Vacation Bible school Hannah Aschliman Karen Fontaine
- FCA Outdoors Justin Jones, Patti Price, Casey Elliott, Mike Talbert, Mark Arney,
- Visitation (those who struggle with mobilization) Mark Arney
- Family summer camp/away/church grounds Patti Price
- Prayer blankets (organization) Amanda Havens Sandy Rorrer
- Samaritan’s Purse (Shoe Boxes) Pat Farmer, Liz Miller
- Funeral dinners (organization) Sandy Rorrer (will help)
- Easter Egg hunt and meal (organization) Cindy McGuire
- Meal train (organization) Patti Price
- Spring cleaning, building and grounds (organization) Mark Arney, Susan Arney, Becky Car
- Music ministries (praise band, youth and adults) Kurt Aschliman, Teresa Miller, Joyce Talbert, Mike Talbert
- Youth activities (organization) Patti Price, Sandy Rorrer (Elementary age)
- Teach Sunday school Sandy Rorrer, Della Johnson, Teresa Miller, Cora McGuire, Justin Jones
- Substitute Sunday school Teresa Miller, Randy McGuire, Barbara McGuire, Steve Gary, Kurt Aschliman
- Children’s Church teacher Teresa Miller
- Children’s Church helpers/Volunteers once month/Qt Margaret Taliaferro, Sandy Rorrer, Hannah Aschliman, Kayden Parcell
- Building maintenance (listing needs and follow-up) Grounds maintenance (listing needs and follow-up) All Prices
- Church greeters Randy McGuire, Barbara McGuire, All Prices
- Mother’s day and Father’s day gifts Patti Price, Becky Carr, Susan Arney
- Ladies’ Tea party Teresa Gary
- Walk to the cross/soup and salad meal Suzy Bane
- Church calendar Mac Miller, Amanda Havens
- Church outside sign Mark Arney, Susan Arney
- Recording church announcements and prayer requests Susan Arney
- Responsive readings Susan Arney
- Sunday school superintendent Mike Talbert
- New opportunities for 2025 Alpha Program An eight to ten weekly gathering for friends and families that are interested in finding out more information about our faith without any pressure to participate or pressure to return. We will host a simple weekly meal, watch a 20 minute Alpha video with a 15 minute round-table discussion for those that want to participate or just listen. Alpha is designed as a tool to answer questions for those that are seeking answers without any embarrassment or pressure. If you have interest in as a either being an attendee and/or helping prepare simple meals (church will purchase food), hosting a table (being there to facilitate the conversations from the Alpha questions) and or promoting the gatherings, please sign up. There will be some basic Alpha instructions that we’ll go through before we start the promotion.
- Building and properties As we move toward a new Sunday school building, we will need more volunteers to help with organization, maintenance and grounds help
- Sunday school/church teachers We desperately need volunteers to help our current teachers and need additional teachers for both Sunday school and church (once a month or once a qt).
- Sunday school teen/youth class We are looking for a person or couple that can help head our teen class. Cora is willing to continue until we find the right fit, but we are aggressively seeking God’s direction for this position/area
Praises For…
- Thanks to Cora and Patti for organizing game night
- Safe travels for the Miller family to and from OK
- Patti, the boys, Mike and Joyce trip to “Noah’s Ark”
Prayer Requests For…
- The Parcell/Hollandsworth families as they grieve the loss of Betty Hollandsworth
- Those with health issues, and their families – Brenda Johnston, Bud Robertson, Jean Robertson, Irene Broadwell, Gail Pitzer, Ernie Miller.
- Teresa Gary’s recovery from the flu
- travel safety
- students returning to school
- New great grand baby in the Robertson household
- Ryan’s engagement
- Special prayer for Trina Wheeler who will have back surgery first of February
- prayers for 2025
- Shady Grove to be a beacon in the Community and to have wisdom in outreach and leadership.
- Revival of our Country.
- Prayers for the lost
- Our country, our leaders, our pastor
- Unspoken
Speakers for 2025
- Jan 19th – Steve Gary
- Feb 9th – Shahn Wilburn
- March 2nd – Justin Jones
- April 20th – Steve Gary
- May 4th – Justin Jones
- June 1st – Shahn Wilburn
- July 27th – Shahn Wilburn
- Aug 17th – Steve Gary
- Sept 7th – Justin Jones
- Nov 16th – Steve Gary
- Dec 7th – Justin Jones